Saturday, July 14

Day Thirty-Seven: The Moon Lights the Way to Midland

Today we woke up too early--so early that we were ready before the sun was risen, before we could safely leave our lovely Chamberlain host. We awaited the first sign of light and then headed off towards Midland.

We crossed the Missouri nearly by the light of the moon--and a few scattered street lamps.
The river was just waking up as the first sign of light appeared over the Missouri River area.
Mary Joe Garnis, the donor from yesterday, brought her son to meet up with us along our route. She generously provided soda-pop and water. Thank you!

The ride pretty much looked like this--the whole way...
We falsely assumed that SD was entirely flat. This shot was taken from atop a climb.
It turned out to be a long, hot day that ended with a much earned descent into Midland!
A flat before the descent slowed me down and just made a long day even longer. However, I've come to expect the unexpected on the road, graciously dealing with each obstacle as it appears. And, over time, I'm further learning to view every obstacle as a mere challenge, an opportunity to show what I can do as part of a team.

Tomorrow we're heading into the Badlands, which we're all super excited for. It's a highlight of our route and  a unique terrain that not many of us have seen before.

Bringing it to the Badlands,

Today was dedicated to Mary Jo Garnis and others like her who support us with their enthusiasm and generosity. We could not do this without you!

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