Sunday, June 17

Day Nineteen: Noteworthy South Haven

I would go back to South Haven, Michigan. It was a gorgeous little town that reminded me of summer/tourist locations along the New Jersey shore.

South Haven is a shore town, it lies on Lake Michigan, and comes complete with a stunning sunset:

Gorgeous sunset over Lake Michigan (no filter!)
The South Haven Sun setting over Lake Michigan. The locals told us that it was a must-see (and they were right)!

After having a great ride today we were happy to discover the luxurious shower and amenities as the South Haven Wellness Center, who generously welcomed us. It was the perfect start to a great night that included a delicious, home cooked dinner from our hosts at the First Congregational Church of South Haven (the Lasagna was a great treat!), Harbor Fest (music, food and beaches), and a sad but touching encounter with sibling food vendors.

The food vendor owners that we spoke to after the sunset at Harbor Fest informed us that their mother passed away from cancer, followed all too soon by the passing of their father. The brothers were very generous and made sure we were fed well with onion rings, funnel cakes, and lemonades before they closed for the night. We were touched by their story, as they were impacted by our journey. I can only hope that our meeting was a positive, healing blessing for everyone. Such generosity never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps the world isn't as greedy as some would have us believe.

To top it all off, while sitting in the grass down at the lake I had the rare opportunity of spotting a green shooting star. Well, to be honest I wasn't sure what it was at the time. I wasn't confident that shooting stars could be green or that I could eliminate the possibility of delirium (caused by riding a bike all day). But, as it turns out, shooting stars with copper in them can have a green tail. Maybe I'm not crazy after all?

No matter what it was (I'm going to stick to my shooting star theory) it was another experience to tack on to an already amazing day.

Keep Your Eyes Westward,

Today was dedicated to my father, because he would have loved South Haven and its sunset.

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