Good Day everyone!
I hope you're all enjoying this
beautiful spring weather. I know I have been silent for a little while, but that's only because I have been very busy.
During spring break I went back to Staten Island to try to conjure up some support from local businesses, which turned out to be disappointing. This, in turn, lead to a slew of inner doubts, oh-nos, what ifs, and sheer panic.
So I've decided to be direct and perfectly clear...
If I fail to raise $4,500 by Mid May, I will not be able to participate in the 4k for Cancer.
The math is simple: the donations cover the small expenses of the trip and allow room for profits, which are all donated towards The Ulman Cancer Fund and later redirected to other cancer charities.
I am not taking on this task for my health, for some adrenaline rush or all-expense-paid adventure.
I am riding in the 4k, cycling the demanding 4,000 miles from Baltimore to Seattle, in recognition of the people close to me who have been affected by cancer. I am riding for my friends, neighbors, and communities, who all have also been affected by cancer. And I am riding for
YOU, the donors, the sponsors, the people who believe in a mission relevant to everyone and who believe in my ability to see the 4k through.
I will see the 4k through.
If you are reading this now, if you have been following this story and still have not donated--ask yourself why?
Your tax-deductible backing, of
ANY size, is
welcomed, cherished, and appreciated.
I understand these are difficult economic times--I am apart of them myself. There are many items, traveling costs, and cycling gear that I am responsible for covering, that I am saving up for out of my own paychecks (on top of all other costs).
No, I am not complaining.
I am showing you my side of things. There are obligations that I must fulfill, which I am dutifully and gleefully upholding.
But, I need your support!
Besides monetary contributions, you can further show your support in a few simple ways: tell your friends and your family, spread the word to the community, and grant the cause some of your time & attention.
With YOUR help, WE can reach the ultimate $5,000 goal and bring strong support to the cancer community from coast-to-coast!
Best Wishes as Always,
A Special Thank You to those who have brought us closer to the $2,000 mark:
Marie O.
Dr. D. S. Won
Kim P.
John M.
Chris B.
Every donation brings us closer...make sure your name is the next one listed!